Besides, Thanksgiving Day is a time of quiet reflection, a time to celebrate by opening our eyes to the blessings we sometimes take for granted. There's no better time to take a moment and be thankful for "today".
Bilingual Fuente Roniel
martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023
jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2023
Con motivo de Halloween, nuestros alumnos/as de la sección bilingüe han disfrutado de diferentes actividades en la casa de la cultura. Un visionado de un corto de la Familia Addams en inglés; diferentes juegos como pasapalabra, dobble de Halloween, ghostbuster o Who is this monster? y una haunted house donde el alumnado tenían que salvar a una prisionera de un científico loco.
martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023
Este año, la sección bilingüe trae muchas novedades. Se ha creado un nuevo rincón bilingüe y además han comenzado diferentes proyectos para cada nivel de la ESO:
Los/as alumnos/as de 1º ESO van a hacer un "viaje" por el Reino Unido, conociendo las culturas, el arte, las tradiciones, la geografía y la historia de los cuatro países que la conforman.
El alumnado 2º ESO se va a trasladar en el tiempo y se situarán en la época medieval con Los Cuentos de Canterbury. Igual que ocurre en el cuento, nuestros alumnos y alumnas se van a convertir en peregrinos y buscarán completar la ruta hasta llegar a Canterbury durante el año académico escolar.
En 3º ESO, nuestros chicos y chicas van a descubrir el origen y los principales aspectos culturales de Norte América a través de Los Simpsons. Además, también aprenderán ciencia y arte de la mano de estos conocidos dibujos.
El alumnado de 4º ESO, por su parte, estudiará los principales conflictos bélicos de nuestro siglo de la mano de la asignatura de Historia y practicarán nuevos y diferentes deportes a través de varios retos relacionados con el mundo mágico de Harry Potter.
Sin duda, no van a aburrirse. ¿Nos acompañáis en esta trepidante aventura?
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021
It is celebrated at school with students in English classes to teach them part of the British culture :
The Celts lived in regions that are now Ireland, Britain and Northern France. They had a tradition of remembering those who had died and they did this every year the 31st October, it was called Samhain, but their practices were opposed to the Christian way.
Seven hundred years after Christ, the Head of the Catholic church moved an important Christian day THE ALL SAINT’S DAY ( a festival in honour of all the saints in heaven) from 1st May to 1st November. They thought everybody would forget about Samhain, but people didn’t forget, so the evening before the All Saint Day became the Holy Evening or All Hallow Even:
Hallow is the old word for Holy and
Even is the old word for evening.
Soon All Hallow became HALLOWEEN !!
Dressing up as spirits and ghosts became a part of AllSaint’s Day celebration, because people who celebrated Samhain believed that wearing scary costumes would scare away the evil spirits and keep them away.
4th year Bilingual students have performed some scary stories in the library to their bilingual mates from 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, based on old, popular stories from our village.
After the story, students have asked questions and later they have played different games related to halloween.
viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021
Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious celebration ,the patron saint of Ireland
generally involve public parades and festivals, Irish traditional
music sessions, and the wearing of green clothes
, shamrocks or green accessories as
symbols of good luck.
Christians may also attend church services, and the restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted for the day. Saint Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.
IES Fuente Roniel has also wanted to commemorate this day with bilingual students from the groups of 1st and 2nd ESO, doing diferent activities in History and English classes
In History students watched a video in English about the history of Saint Patrick and later they made a shamrock to wear as a badge or pin.
In English students watched a video about how Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day: people wearing green clothes, the beautiful parade and the happiness of pople in this day. After this they were doing some activities to learn specific vocabulary about Saint Patrick.
Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada. They celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past ...

Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada. They celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past ...
Con motivo de Halloween, nuestros alumnos/as de la sección bilingüe han disfrutado de diferentes actividades en la casa de la cultura. Un ...
Este año, la sección bilingüe trae muchas novedades. Se ha creado un nuevo rincón bilingüe y además han comenzado diferentes proyectos par...