It is celebrated at school with students in English classes to teach them part of the British culture :
The Celts lived in regions that are now Ireland, Britain and Northern France. They had a tradition of remembering those who had died and they did this every year the 31st October, it was called Samhain, but their practices were opposed to the Christian way.
Seven hundred years after Christ, the Head of the Catholic church moved an important Christian day THE ALL SAINT’S DAY ( a festival in honour of all the saints in heaven) from 1st May to 1st November. They thought everybody would forget about Samhain, but people didn’t forget, so the evening before the All Saint Day became the Holy Evening or All Hallow Even:
Hallow is the old word for Holy and
Even is the old word for evening.
Soon All Hallow became HALLOWEEN !!
Dressing up as spirits and ghosts became a part of AllSaint’s Day celebration, because people who celebrated Samhain believed that wearing scary costumes would scare away the evil spirits and keep them away.
4th year Bilingual students have performed some scary stories in the library to their bilingual mates from 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, based on old, popular stories from our village.
After the story, students have asked questions and later they have played different games related to halloween.